What’s going on in the state of Denmark?
– or how curiosity can turn around a supertanker…
Makio Outplacement is based on a platform of knowledge about and experience with the Danish job market; and our invariable focus is finding new paths to take. Our experience is that quite a few employees are made redundant because their knowledge and skills are no longer important to a company. They are no longer needed. They are FORCED to think out of the box.
Nobody knows with 100 % certainty what the future requirements and needs will be. We experience a trend where people are rebelling against the faultfinding culture and where there is a CURIOUS approach to development – a situation where making mistakes has a touch of divinity – because this is the way we are able to find new paths and solutions.
Rane Willerslev is a pioneer of this new trend. He is a professor of social anthropology and director of the National Museum – Denmark’s main cultural museum, which consists of a number of museums throughout the country. The museum has had very few visitors and is experiencing an economic crisis.
Willerslev is heading a comprehensive TURNAROUND where he has visited every department of the museum; he has met with, asked questions of and listened to the employees. He has invited children on a tour of the museum and asked them what works for them – and what else they would like to experience at a museum. He says:
”Management needs to empower employees so they can be heroes in their own work life.”
Six months into the turnaround, the number of visitors has already increased by 18 percent. Something is working!
At Makio, we are CURIOUS about what skills Willerslev possesses in order to achieve this.
This is why we have invited him to be a key speaker at a customer event. An event where we invite customers to see where we live – so they can experience the atmosphere of the place – and thus show the customers Makio from a candidate’s point of view.
This makes good sense to us!
Kind regards,
Jesper Magnusson
CEO, Makio ApS, Denmark