About Career Star Group

Who we are:

  • Career Star Group is a leader in the local delivery of career transition, outplacement and redeployment services
  • We empower people and change, providing a human touch in challenging times
  • We leverage our global experience but understand that every situation is unique. Career Star Group offers solutions for any situation, from one person to a company-wide change, in one city or around the world

What makes Career Star Group exceptional?

  • Our compassion for each customer’s business and for each individual
  • 50 years of truly global experience supporting companies of all sizes
  • Innovative local teams, highly experienced and respected in their markets
  • Nearly 100% of our clients recommend us

CSG insists on the highest standards:

  • Our members and delivery partners are specifically chosen for their high quality standards and reputation. They adhere to strict global guidelines to ensure an exceptional experience, regardless of location.
  • We hire only the best coaches. Our coaches are required to complete training and certification and have extensive experience
  • We validate our quality by surveying our clients regularly throughout our relationship
  • Career Star Group enforces and monitors standards through centralized corporate reporting and governance
  • We are fully compliant with all requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union

A world of resources at your fingertips

  • We are a scalable organization with experience in 102 countries
  • 2,160 highly qualified career transition coaches
  • Enabling over 80,500 individual transitions in 5,250 companies each year

Career Star Group is adaptable

  • We design our services to your unique requirements – any location, any situation
  • Programmes are tailored to the participant’s needs and career aspirations
  • We have solutions for employees at all levels, in flexible locations and languages

Your Partner for Career Transition, Outplacement and Redeployment Services

With Career Star Group, you will experience the simplicity of working with a single organisation while taking advantage of the expertise and resources only local firms can offer. We provide globally-informed solutions designed to meet the unique needs of your company. By partnering with Career Star Group, global coverage with local excellence becomes a reality.

We understand that people are different: Career
Star Group embraces and reflects the diversity of the populations we deal with. We care.

Cetti Galante

Board Director, Career Star Group

What we offer you

Career Star Group’s purpose is to provide organizations and individuals, whether local or global, with high quality services tailored to their individual requirements.


We pride ourselves in the quality of the services we provide and through this, the positive impact we have on organisations and individuals.


Every organisation and individual is unique. There are no generic platforms or programmes in Career Star Group. Services are specifically designed to meet your requirements.

Best Practices

Our global membership model allows us to tap into a world-wide ‘think tank’ of best practices, solutions and experience.


We measure success on your terms, not on generic metrics.


This is a rapidly changing world.  We constantly pursue new methods, tools and technologies to ensure we are bringing maximum value to our clients.

Working with us

Every business and every individual is unique. At Career Star Group we pride ourselves in the ability to address your specific requirements and to tailor our services to your needs. Whether you’re a global organization or a single individual, success is defined and measured on your terms, not ours, and not on generic industry metrics.  Programmes are not out-of-the box but rather, designed to meet your specific requirements.  And we believe that technology should support people, not replace them.

So regardless of your size or location, whether your needs are straight forward or highly complex, or whether you are highly centralised or distributed,  Career Star Group will work with you, in your language, in your location, on your terms. We’re here to support and empower you.

Our Partners

Career Star Group members provide critical, local market knowledge and experience in 102 countries around the world.

Career Star Group has assembled a team of like-minded member organisations that offer unrivalled global coverage in 102 countries. We’ve carefully selected the best organisation in each geography, experts who share a common vision and embrace our strict quality standards. Our members have deep expertise in our services and in their local regional practices and language.

Each member organization represents an entire country or multi-country region. Members are adept at providing consistency of service across multiple geographies.  Our members share a global reporting and management platform which allow us to provide you with a single point of contact for project coordination and status information.

We guarantee local expertise in every country in which we operate.  Our people genuinely know and understand the local customs and culture enabling us to deliver the very best global career transition, outplacement, and redeployment services.

Our Partners Contact us

Our Global Team

Career Star Group is a member-based organisation governed by a dedicated Board of Directors and supported by full time staff. The Career Star Group Board is comprised of Directors from five countries across three continents, ensuring a truly global perspective.

Our Directors are international business leaders who share a passion for supporting businesses and individuals as they go through organisational change and development.  The Board of Directors share a common vision.  They are dedicated to providing global expertise and the best quality services available to the organizations and individuals that we serve.

Members of Career Star Group represent 102 countries.  Members are individually selected for their local knowledge and demonstrated service quality. All members strictly adhere to our global Charter which defines our service delivery principles and standards. Each Career Star Group member represents an entire country or group of countries, ensuring consistency in service delivery, quality, and efficient coordination for national or international projects.


Cetti Galante

Board Chair and Member for Italy

INTOO CEO and Practice Area Leader Outplacement & Employability

A founding member of Career Star Group, Cetti is also the INTOO CEO and Practice Area Leader Outplacement & Employability. Since joining INTOO in 2011, Cetti has reinforced the company’s position as the market leader in the Italian market, focusing on the development and design of customized Outplacement, Coaching and Restructuring solutions.

Having graduated in law with an MBA, Cetti’s earlier career was with the Nielsen Company, where she held several operational and managerial positions at both a global and national level.

Cetti has been a Director of Board of Directors Career Star Group since its inception and has held the position of Chair of the Board since 2016.

Owen Morgan

Board Director, Member for UK & Ireland

Managing Director, Intoo UK & Ireland

Owen is Managing Director for Intoo UK & Ireland where he leads the overall direction and strategy of the organisation and has been intergral to its growth since its inception. Owen has worked in the HR space for over 17 years and his expertise lie in supporting people and businesses to realise their full potential is the key to long-term success.

Owen holds a BSc (Hons) in Geography as well as an MBA (Merit). Owen is an Executive Coach, member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), is an NLP Practioner and is PRINCE2 qualified.

Ignacio Fernández de Piérola

Board Director, Member for Spain

Managing Director, Lukkap

Ignacio is the Managing Director for Lukkap, where he leads the overall direction and strategy of the organization and has been integral to its growth since its inception.  Ignacio’s expertise lies in his ability to help organizations drive organizational performance and support individual success through a range of services; including outplacement, career management, talent management, and employee and customer experience transformation processes.

Ignacio holds a pharmacy degree from Navarra´s University as well as an MBA (Instituto de Empresa).

Carina Clausén

Director of Global Operations

Carina joined Career Star Group at its inception in 2012 and leads the global operations function. Heading member initiatives, Carina ensures that the organization leverages best-in-class processes and technology.

Carina brings extensive expertise in global operations garnered from over a decade of experience in the industry and over 10 years of international experience as a Business Manager, EMEA, at Forbes magazine.

Valentina Matarazzo

Global Director

Valentina joined Career Star Group in 2024 as Global Director, after serving as CEO of BMyA/ Bruno Matarazzo y Asociados (a Gi Group Company), Argentina’s leading Outplacement company.

Valentina’s expertise lies in development and implementation of business strategies, management and assessing people, negotiation, and continuous search for process improvement. Her passion resides in supporting both customers and clients in their career transitions and HR needs.

Valentina holds a Business Administration Degree, a Postgraduate Degree in Human Resources and is also an Executive Coach (ICF).

The Power of Career Star Group’s Global Alliance

Career Star Group Global Alliance

One of the biggest challenges HR leaders face today is to ensure that their organisation has a comprehensive and seamless employee career management (ECM) programme. What does an ECM look like? A comprehensive ECM caters to every aspect of employment. This ranges from onboarding, career planning and development, learning and upskilling, reskilling when needed, to…

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What is Outplacement?

Outplacement services coaching an employees through redundancy

What is Outplacement? As an HR professional, you have most likely come across the term ‘outplacement’. However, what is outplacement and if your organisation is about to go through a restructure, should you be looking at outplacement services for the employees affected? Outplacement is a service provided by employers for their employees affected by redundancy….

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5 ways to evaluate the effectiveness of your global outplacement provider

Is your global outplacement provider still effective?

Author: Owen Morgan, Managing Director INTOO UK and Ireland Like so many services, global outplacement support is scoped, costed and agreed based on an organisations needs at the time. It may not come up for review, or its effectiveness analysed for a number of years. Yet, as global market needs and circumstances change, the needs…

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6 Things You Need to Know About Career Transition

Career Transition

With continued uncertainty around the pandemic and its lasting economic impact, organizations are having to make difficult decisions to downsize and reshape their workforce. And while this is never an easy process, it can be made better for both parties by working with an expert in career transition. Optimum Talent, CSG in Canada, have answered…

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