Career Star Group
HR professionals across the globe are juggling numerous tasks and responsibilities on which the smooth day-to-day running of their organisation depends. Furthermore, they also have to carry out strategic planning and future proof the organisation in terms of its workforce. These are both multifaceted tasks involving complex processes. The core of the company’s progress depends upon them. If the group has multiple locations across the globe, there is yet another perspective and responsibility to take into account.
Career Transition
One responsibility HR professionals have is to manage any employee transitions within and out of the department. When large-scale career transitions, i.e. employees will be departing from the organisation due to redundancy, numerous organisations use expert outplacement service providers to assist the HR teams and to provide their departing employees with programmes to support them to find their next role.
Dealing With Redundancy
The world is an extremely fluid and accessible place. It is now more comfortable and easy to travel and communicate than ever before. However, each country, and regions within those countries, have their own cultural beliefs, traditions, laws, and assumptions. When someone discovers that his or her role is no longer required in the company, naturally, it is an emotional time. We invest a lot of our time into our work; it gives us purpose and provides security through salaries and bonuses. When a deadline on your job role is handed out, employees can feel let down, unworthy or even angry. Of course, some may embrace the change, or even feel relieved. Delivering the news of redundancy, and receiving the news, can be very stressful with life changing consequences.
The Human Touch Approach
Career Star Group are the leader in the local delivery of career transition, outplacement and redistribution of service. Career Star Group has experience delivering solutions in 102 countries. We empower companies and departing employees resulting in consistent and effective transition of employee from their current role, to another opportunity. We believe that it is our personal, human touch approach that gets us great results. Our tailored programmes and highly interactive delivery ensures the very best expereince during a difficult period.
Harnessing Local Expertise
Although we are many, we consistently deliver and share our core values and passion; we act as one. Furthermore, each member of Career Star Group is an expert in their local market. Outplacement programmes are delivered with the uttermost knowledge and respect for local customs, beliefs, and laws. We can provide outplacement programmes across the globe blending virtual capabilities, 1:1 and group programmes.